Off the paved roads we went. We had time to touch on just a tiny section of the huge Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. About 11 miles from Kodachrome Basin, on a decent but unpaved road, we found Grosvenor Arch. It was great to get even farther off the beaten path. I continue to be stunned at Utah’s ability to present you with awesome, unique, and varying scenery in every direction you go. From what I’ve read, this arch’s double structure is very unusual.
While I was shooting this arch, a nearby couple was doing the same. He was shooting and she was doing the best she could to help. Apparently they’d been there for a while, waiting for the puffy clouds that I’d also hoped would pass behind the arch (they never did). At one point the other photographer set up his tripod about ten feet away and began mumbling and snapping at his wife about something “getting in the field and I can’t get it out.” I finally picked up on the trouble when she said something along the lines of, “Well, I can’t move the thing!” It turns out he was upset that there was a dead tree under the arch and it was messing up his shot. I said, “I kind of like that tree.” I should have kept my mouth shut because she immediately turned and snapped back to her husband, “SEE?!” I folded up shop and headed back for the truck, where the boys had had it for the day and had already been waiting for about 20 minutes.

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