Bryce Point at Sunset

This is one of my first attempts at HDR. My setup was on a tripod with a 2-stop graduated filter and 9-exposure bracket. I used Photomatix for the HDR and also did some Lightroom tweaking. You’ll have to forgive any wacky colors because the laptop screen I’m working on is, I’ve learned, really cold, and I don’t have any calibration stuff with me. I’m using the trailer’s Panasonic 32” LCD HDTV as a second monitor, and that’s what I ended up using to get this one the way I wanted. I tried to make the colors match what I remembered. I still have no idea what I’m doing – lots of tools and little practical experience, so your comments and feedback are welcome.

I have some other shots with some lens flare, but was not as happy with the result and couldn’t figure out how to get it the way I wanted, if doing so is even possible.

3 thoughts on “Bryce Point at Sunset

  1. Nancy C says:

    You are my favorite nerd. I love that you share all your secrets… if only I knew what you are talking about… Miss you guys! Looks like the trip is a big success. Bring home some heat and sunshine!

    1. James White says:

      Aw, thanks, Nancy. Miss you a bunch too! Big time party when we get back!


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